How to install a chain on the iron door

Everyone knows that the design of steel doors is not limited to two main elements – a box and a canvas, there is also numerous accessories, including chains. Door chains can be called a certain analogue eye, since with their help you can slightly open the door and look at the guest and the landing that came, without the danger of a sudden attack.

About what chains for metal doors are, how they are attached to it and which design can be read below. How to install a chain on the iron door

Extremely relevant. Anyone can be outside the door, it is very dangerous to open it to a stranger to open it, even if you are a healthy man, and it can be seen in the eye that a little woman has come or a child generally. Will take out the Osa and plant lower than the belt, but for now you will come to your senses – a couple of barns will enter and intent. Therefore, the chain is another level of protection, you need to transmit something registered letter, a summons, but you never know what.

Wooden doors can be made with your own hands. But this process is quite laborious and requiring certain knowledge and skills. There are various types of wood doors, and their manufacture and installation are subject to certain rules.

1. Measurements. Before buying the door, you need to make measurement of the size of the opening. How to install a chain on the iron door

As you know, steel doors in their design, in addition to the main elements – the door leaf and the door box – provide a sufficiently large amount of accessories.

Each type of accessories for steel doors performs the corresponding function:

So, what is the design of the door chain and how it is attached to the front door.

At the moment, there are two varieties of chains for entrance doors: a classic university chain and the so -called loop chain.

With the design of the first-view door chain, it’s quite easy to figure out, for sure many already know what it consists of. How to protect yourself from apartment thieves during vacation – tips from