How to decorate a chalet-style interior and some tips

The chalet style, which took shape a couple of centuries ago at the junction of the Swiss and French Alps, still retains its popularity, successfully competing with many younger and more sophisticated styles.

The reason for this success is simple – the style offers the leisurely, traditional comfort so valued today. Therefore, the simple and romantic design of a chalet-style living room is increasingly appearing in modern interiors.

Style Attributes

Shepherd’s and hunting lodges, which became the founders of the style, were built in the mountains and served as temporary shelter from bad weather. They were built from the materials that were abundant in the surrounding area – stone and wood. The interior design was extremely unpretentious, the room was filled with everyday objects, and no one even thought about decorating the home.

In the first third of the 20th century, mountain tourism began to develop in the Alps, and the huts served as the prototype for new spacious houses and hotels. The interior has undergone many changes; sophistication and charm replaced the former forced asceticism of the atmosphere.