Block container-temporary house for a good rest

For beginners in construction or for those who recently work in supply units in various building forms, they are faced with where builders, foremen and installers will live during the construction of the facility at the construction site?

For these purposes, of course, you can use army tents, but alas, it is unrealistic to solve the problem with a similar method. Especially if the street is strong wind, rain, very low temperature.

To solve this difficult problem, a construction house was invented, which is great for temporary residence in almost any conditions.

From such containers block, it is possible to build modular buildings, while it is possible to build shift villages, while it is necessary to connect them several pieces in a row, and at the same time the headquarters and the gesture will be obtained.

The container block is a very mobile building that weighs about 2, 5 tons, while it is very easy to create in it quite comfortable conditions for those who have to live outside their home. These structures are very insulated, and can withstand the temperature in the interval of C +35 to -45 degrees Celsius.

With the data of the household it is possible to equip with an electrician: sockets, lamps. On the windows in the households, it is possible to install gratings, create a bathroom, equip a kitchen, and if necessary, it is possible to install a shower cabin, and at the same time the residents of these everyday life will feel almost like at home.