Building a house is the main task in our life.

One of the most important tasks that nature has given to man is the construction of its home. In many times, people built themselves at home of stones, wood, animal skins and even pulled out dugouts for themselves. All buildings, completely depended on the environment of the environment. But after many centuries, people still realized that the only, high-quality, building material is a stone. After all, the stone is a very hard and strong breed. Buildings from stones were surprised by their durable existence. Then humanity began to widely use this breed in construction. A lot of time has passed and people learned to produce a stone breed on their own. One of these inventions is a brick. It is from it that mainly all the houses that are in our cities, villages, villages and summer cottages were erected. Building a brick house is not huge difficulties. For this, it is required to develop a plan for building, legitimize construction, hire workers and safely proceed to the construction of your dreams. Any construction begins with the foundation. Even in family life, the main foundation is love. The foundation is selected depending on the height of the building and soil on which there will be a building. After the foundation is poured and everything is ready to build a brick house, we proceed to the construction of the building itself. For load -bearing walls, a masonry of two bricks is usually used, reinforced with each other through each meter. After the construction of the load -bearing walls, supporting. Basically, these walls are made in one, or even half a brick. After everything is built and there is the basis for a not yet quite ready at home, it follows its finishes, repair or design. All finishes in the newly -built house are understandable and quite affordable. But there is such a problem that occurs when the partitions in the bathroom are getting off. The bathroom is the only room where the constantly increased humidity. As a result, the walls are subject to mold and other unpleasant factors. To prevent this problem, partitions in the bathroom should be sheathed with building materials that do not contribute to absorption of moisture. It can be plastic, OSB, moisture -resistant drywall, tile. Thus, the walls will always be available for wiping moisture and will not be able to contribute to the formation of fungi. A house built and everything is ready. There is another situation that occurs at a pressure of the mass of the house on the soil that holds the entire building. As a result of this action, the soil is compacted and sags, the house can also sore a little, but not a lot. With this turning of the situation, it is possible to difficulty in using the only free lighting item – the window. Together with the shrinkage of the house, the frames of the windows are also deformed, which leads to the inconsistency of the window box and frame. This problem is not so terrible, since it is solved by adjusting the mechanism of plastic windows. This mechanism is located in the corners of the windows in the form of metal corners. To eliminate the malfunction, a hexagon is required, with which the window level is aligned. Tighten the upper and side bolt, depending on the skew of the window. For a modern person, there cannot be unable to solve problems, as manufacturers try to prevent all situations that may arise with the operation of windows, doors and other things. It is very nice to use in life everything that has been done and especially built with your own hands. It is necessary to build and produce in order to show something to children!!!