Care for furniture at your home: specialists’ advice

Any person dreams that his furniture would serve as long as possible and at the same time can maintain his original appearance. To do this, use certain recommendations for furniture care.

Any furniture is very sensitive to temperature extremes, direct hit of sunlight, moisture and increased dryness. That is why you should follow your chairs and other wooden furniture are located as far as possible from sunlight. To achieve a good microclimate at your place, you certainly need to have an aquarium.

In order for the furniture with the doors not to deform, follow the uniform standing position. And so that dents and scratches should not be formed on the surface of linoleum on the surface of linoleum.

Dry and not very stiff rag ideal for caring for lacquered furniture and skin. However, due to friction, a particle of dust will be more strongly pestering to the surface of the furniture.

In order to avoid damage, you should avoid wet cleaning for this type of furniture. And if the brilliance of your furniture was lost, then in the modern market there are the largest amount of substances that will help you return the original appearance.

However, to buy certain means, you should understand what exactly you need.

Any protective and recovery products have an oil or wax base. Produced in three types:

1. In the form of a pat.

2. In the form of liquid.

3. In the form of emulsion solution.

Wax compositions are in high demand, since after application they leave a protective layer of film. Before buying, any means, carefully study the instructions, as well as ask for what furniture these compositions are suitable.