Design of the cottage village: what to take into account

What is the design of a cottage village? How to do the project and to whom to entrust its implementation? Is there any possibility of buying ready -made projects? What problems can arise even before the start of construction?

A modern client who wants to purchase a country house in a cottage village is increasingly asking such questions. I hardly believe, but twenty years ago cottage villages were built almost spontaneously, which caused great difficulties subsequently. This concerned both communications and problems related to the registration of property. Small issues, such as the protection of the village or lighting of the streets, were considered completely insignificant-people were happy that they finally managed to buy country housing.

Today’s design requirements should include an individual approach. At the same time, much attention is paid to the analysis of the territory, landscape work, summarizing communications and engineering networks. Bityadovo, a village located in the Domodedovo district is a vivid example of modern design of country housing. It embodies the idea of ​​a single architectural concept. The village has a central water supply, the cables for lighting the streets are laid under the ground, each section is connected to the central sewage system and electric networks. Moreover, each cottage will have its own individual appearance.

Not only the architectural bureau works on the project of the village – this is a comprehensive task that only a specialized design organization can carry out several departments, each of which performs its part of the work. Bityzovo’s project was made taking into account all the above factors. The general plan includes literally everything that future owners of country housing may be needed – in the village (in addition to central water supply), artesian wells are drilled, which will provide residents of the village of clean drinking water.

Of course, the design of the village is a very difficult task. Numerous specialists work at this stage: engineers, architects, general planners, road designers, ecologists and landscape designers. Construction has not yet begun – and the work is in full swing. But it is not enough to develop a comprehensive project of the cottage village – there is still a fairly long and tedious process of coordination ahead. And only bypassing numerous instances, the approved project can begin to be implemented.