Euro -water from wood: dignity of structure

Hardy window structures with a double -glazed window made from a specialized beam are called Euro -Offers. Modern materials and innovative methods used in the process allow guaranteeing the high reliability and practicality of such structures. Their main advantages are considered to be sound and thermal insulation. However, there are also other qualities that deserve attention. Beautiful, easily cleaned and suitable for any interior wooden euro-covers are guaranteed to last longer than any other types of window structures.

In a professional vocabulary, there is no such thing as “Eurookna”. This word from consumer everyday speech appeared in those days when the first windows purchased in European countries began to be imported to Russia. The manufacturing technology of such designs was developed and improved precisely in Europe, so it is understandable why they have such a name.

Due to its characteristics, a multi -layer beam is perfectly processed and allows you to create structures of all kinds of shapes and sizes. At the request of the customer, rectangular, oval, round, triangular windows with decorative decoration or without. The natural beauty of the tree does not need any decoration, however, there are times when the surface of the window is decorated for a specific interior.

A feature of the profile multi -layer beam is its low thermal conductivity. It was known about the ability of wood to maintain heat in the old days. That is why only a natural tree was already taken for the manufacture of window frames. A wooden structure, supplemented by modern double -glazed windows, provides a high level of thermal insulation of Eurocon, which is their undoubted advantage in comparison with other materials.

In order to guaranteed to provide you with reliable protection against bad weather, professionals must engage in the installation of window structures. It will be best if this work is performed by the installers, whom the manufacturer directs. The modern price of the euro -firing of wood is: • Sosnovoe window – from 8,000 rubles/km. • Lucky window – from 10,000 rubles/kVM. • Oak window – from 14,000 rubles/kVM.