Incoming floors in construction: the advantages of application

For a long time, bulk floors are used in the field of construction, but many still do not really understand what such floors are. The name itself is already hinting that these floors are poured. However, first you need to understand their composition and the main characteristics.

Burning floors suggest the use of polymers, polyurethane and epoxy floors are considered the most common. Moreover, the surface of such a sex can be matte, glossy, semi -water, half -glossy. It is necessary to immediately say about the main positive aspects of the bulk floor. First of all, these coatings comply with all hygiene standards, it is easy to wash, remove various pollution from them. The structure of the bulk floor is sealed, due to this, bacteria, moisture or dirt cannot penetrate the material. It is important to note that the bulk floors are quite durable, if the coating is operated correctly, the service life can reach two tens of years. These floors can be used even in those rooms whose windows are on the sunny side. The coatings are resistant to solar exposure, the saturation of the shade remain for a long time. Many believe that the bulk floors can be harmful, in fact it is not so, the coatings are completely environmentally friendly, they do not distinguish any toxins, therefore they are often used even in the territory of children’s institutions. It is also not very difficult to apply them. If we consider the shortcomings, it should only be noted that before the bulk floor is applied, it is important to adjust the surface humidity. In addition, it is difficult to dismantle the coating.

To get high -quality coating, we recommend that you seek help from specialists. It is important that the surface is carefully prepared. There may be concrete, wood as a base. To start work, first the surface is cleaned of dust and other contaminants. The moisture content of the material should not exceed 5%. It is recommended to pre -grind the surface, then it will be smooth, as flat as possible. Then apply a primer, it is necessary to close the pores so that the air does not penetrate. The best clutch can provide a primer, which contains quartz sand.

When the primer is completely dry, the first base layer is applied. In this case, the solution is spilled onto the surface, then it is leveled, for this a rocket is used, as a result of the use of this tool, the surface is flat. Also for working with bulk floors, sparks (nozzles for shoes) are used, they help to move around the floor, while the coating is not caused by any harm. While the base layer dries, it should be treated with a needle roller – this is necessary that all the remains of the air come out. To create a texture on the future floor, the surface should be covered with pieces of plastic, select pieces of different shapes. Then everything is covered with polyurethane varnish.

When the base layer completely dries (2 days), it is necessary to apply the finish layer, its thickness is about 2 mm. The client has the opportunity to choose any shade of bulk coating. To ensure maximum strength, the finish layer is also advised to be fixed with varnish.