More about earthquakes: how to determine the stability of the building

The simpler the configuration of the building in the plan (square, rectangle, circle), the more stable it. If the building has a large length, it is divided by special seams into separate parts of the correct shape – the roof of the buildings should be arranged by a lightweight. Outstanding cornices, balconies and sculptural jewelry is not recommended. When designing water supply, it is advisable to provide two independent sources of water.


According to studies conducted after the 1948 earthquake, in Ashgabat, it was established that the main cause of destruction even one – and two -story buildings was the poor quality of brickwork and the used solutions. In this case, anti -Eismic measures did not ensure the stability of buildings. At the same time, buildings and structures made of reinforced concrete, designed as seismic -resistant and well -built, were not damaged. Building buildings from brickwork to two floors of benign materials and carefully constructed also turned out to be relatively stable – the earthquake was satisfied, having received minor damage.

Poultry houses

So, the high quality of materials and the thorough production of construction work are the most important conditions for successful construction in seismic areas.