Start the repair of the bathroom: process features

Conducting repair work in the bathroom is a rather complicated process.

This room is intensively exploited, it has increased humidity, it is saturated with a large number of equipment, equipment.

If only two systems, electric and heating can be present in an ordinary room, then almost all of. Water supply and ventilation, sewage, are added to the mentioned, and the requirements for all of them are much higher than the standard.

As a result, one square meter in the bathroom has a relatively larger investment of resources, workers and financial compared to the total area of ​​the living room.

Of course, if you take into account both the equipment and the finish. And that is why, before starting the repair of the bathroom, special attention should be paid to the design stage. Not only the long and reliable operation of this room depends on how competently it is carried out, but also the amount of money that will be spent on the implementation of the relevant measures. The responsible organization will certainly offer the services of a specialist, designer, architect, in tight cooperation with which the owner of the housing will need to decide on the main parameters of future construction. As a result of this activity, it is necessary to obtain not only a design project with a clear indication of materials and components necessary to create an interior. Schemes of all engineering networks should be developed, the location is determined and specific equipment models are selected.

Water or electrical heating scheme of floors, hinged or floor fastening of the toilet, low -voltage or ordinary wiring, much more.