Suspended ceiling Starry sky: Features of creation

Each of us dreams that his house is unique and unique. And if the entire interior can be decorated with furniture to order, and the walls should be covered with unusual wallpaper or other finishing materials, then the ceiling until recently did not allow a large choice – classic whitewashing or screaming stucco. But I would so like, lying on the couch, to contemplate the starry sky above your head or count the floating clouds ..

Today, such an opportunity appeared – exquisite suspended ceilings that can change the appearance of any home, whether it be urban penthouse or country cottage.

Suspended and suspended ceilings created using this technology are the last design development and are already very popular among customers. Still, because each of these ceilings is created by individual order, and each such ceiling is a work of art in the full sense of the word. This is not only the stunning beauty of the sky in which the myriads of stars and distant planets flickered, the Milky Way or a delightful sunset over the sea, but also the most difficult work performed at such a level that the ceiling can last for many years.

In the process of installing the ceiling, complex LED structures are used, so that later, at the request of the client, the light falls into a certain part of the ceiling, or disperses, or … a huge number, and they are limited exclusively by the customer’s imagination.

The suspended and stretch ceilings “Star Sky” are not only inferior in quality to ordinary ones, but also surpass them in many physical indicators. They are able to withstand even leaks if necessary! Naturally, defects of the base ceiling are not visible, even if you try to see them very much.

And one small, but important advantage: such ceilings can be washed by removing from them and settled dust and plaque from cigarette smoke, if we are talking about a room where they smoke.

This version of the ceiling will be the most correct solution for those who want to turn their home into something really unique, and for which the expression “good taste” is not an empty sound. The house will acquire a completely different appearance, and the immense sky above the head will create the illusion of vast space in the room.

Suspended and suspended ceilings “Star Sky” are available at a price for everyone, although they belong to the category of elite delights. But if you are facing the goal of creating a dream house, then you don’t feel sorry for this. Moreover, the installation companies are opened to discuss prices for their services and many of them provide discounts and the possibility of phased payment for leasing.