Types of repairs for repair in the apartment: Supervisory chosen

For cosmetic repair of premises, there are several types of colors. And their purpose directly depends on the surface on which they will be applied. Therefore, before giving up for the painting of a particular element in the apartment, it is important to know which color mixture is better to use in a particular case.

For example, when staining walls, it is better to opt for paint with light texture, on a water -based basis. Since such paint passes the air well, which means that condensation will not be collected on the walls it painted with it.

In any case, no matter what you have to color, it is always more pleasant to do it in your own housing than in a rented apartment. That is why many people strive to buy apartments from the developer directly.

If there is a need to stain skirting boards, doors and other interior elements, you need a paint on a glyftal or pentafal basis, which is very suitable for internal finishing work.

If necessary, paint pipes or other plumbing compounds, then for these purposes the construction paint is based on the nitro -cellulose binding. In specialized stores, such paint is sold with the note “for plumbing”.

For the floor, the paint is particularly wear -resistant. But to achieve the best effect, after the first layer of paint dries, it is necessary to apply another layer. This will increase the service life and improve the appearance of the painted surface.

And do not forget that for the choice of a particular paint it is more advisable to contact a specialist.