Modern man is used to seeing asphalt on the streets, highways and highways. Having become something of granted, the asphalt rarely perceives precisely as building material and abides in ignorance until he needs to arrange a path in the country or on the site in the private sector. As soon as a person begins to disassemble the question, he will be surprised to find out that asphalt is not only artificial, but also natural. But, in our latitudes, mainly artificial asphalt is used.
In recent years, asphalt plants have been opened in many and problems with the acquisition of asphalt are not worth. However, for small areas, that is, when the departure from the site, many people prefer asphalt crumbs, which is bought from road construction services and is asphalt shot on any street when repairing the roadbed. The asphalt is filed in hot form using special rollers, or hand -light vibrators, and the asphalt crumbs are poured into the place of the path of the track and set first with a shovel, and then, if necessary, a manual vibrator or manual roller is used.
Asphalt, unlike the crumb, fits on a specially prepared surface – a layer of sand, a layer of gravel and a layer of asphalt. Often, when installing a pillow for asphalt, a road cellular network with a height of 35 … 60 cm is used.