Carpet Cleaning: Tips from Professionals

He recently helped his neighbor lay Carpet and remembered one curious case from my practice. I once contracted for the repair of a banquet hall at one cool local authority. He was to celebrate his anniversary, and he decided to update the atmosphere of his banquet hall: change the scenery, repaint the walls, change the floors. I gave me a deadline for two weeks, and loaded it for a whole month. In short, I had to work, from sunset to dawn.

We did everything, as always, perfectly, we met on time, only the day before the arrival of the hero of the anniversary one of my freedom workers, I decided to tint a little tinting the arch. I don’t know what he didn’t like there, but this ended in the fact that the whole paint, which was in his hands, was on a brand new carpet, worth eighty -five dollars per square meter. Before my eyes, all this phosphorescent liquid slowly spread on a new carpet, while removing my hopes for the acquisition of a new leather sofa, which I was going to buy in an office.

I was in a panic. That we just did not try: water with powders, and various kinds of cleaners, solvents, and whitening for colored fabrics, nothing helped. Imagine, the customer arrives, guests, and then in the middle of the banquet hall a white luminous spot. From one thought about this, I was scared, and my brain was feverishly looking for a way out of the current situation.