Disadvantages of plastic windows: is it worth it to install

In the new houses, plastic windows are structurally provided, therefore, intra -domed ventilation, most often forced, is being built initially with the expectation of them. As a rule, even if the plastic window in the room is closed, good air exchange is initially provided.

But if you replace wooden windows in old houses with new windows made of plastic, then the deficiency of fresh air in the room is provided, although this is not always noticeable. The point is that window frames made of wood, even if they are reliably insulated, have the ability to “breathe”, which is inaccessible to hermetic plastic double -glazed windows.

This topic is a frequent subject of discussion at conferences of design specialists. Experts beat the alarm: microclimate in rooms with installed double -glazed windows, but lack of sufficient ventilation, does not meet sanitary standards. According to the standards, in old houses with new plastic windows, air exchange requires an increase several times, through the internal ventilation system. But old houses do not equip new ventilation, and the existing system often turns out to be clogged. To solve this problem, it is recommended to install double -glazed windows, themselves equipped with ventilation systems.

According to experts, most often some disadvantages of plastic windows, such as the formation of cracks in the window or accumulation of condensate between glasses, may occur during improper installation or using poor -quality accessories. In this regard, the installation of windows should be made by a company that has a good reputation. It is also not necessary to save on the cost of window fittings, since you can spend much more funds for subsequent repairs.