Exceptor of profiles: what looks, features of choice

For laying sheets of drywall into one single design, whether it is a wall, a ceiling or a decorative product, guide reinforcing reinforcements that serve as a knuckle are needed. These reinforcements are called profiles. Using profiles for various purposes, a frame is created. Thanks to modern materials, such as galvanized steel, the frames are durable, reliable and durable, and the profiles are light and convenient to install. Therefore, its scope is very diverse: from residential construction to industrial, from agricultural to trade and t. D.

GCL profiles have a corrugated surface, due to which the stiffness of the entire structure is created. And the galvanized coating makes metal unponounced corrosion. Thanks to the lightness of profiles, working with them is easy and pleasant, and the softness of the metal allows you to quickly fix the profiles to the walls, ceiling, floor with any fasteners – nails, screws, screws, etc. During installation, the room practically does not dust, which gives another plus in the use of such technology.

After the installation of profiles for GCL between the old and new walls or ceilings, a small gap remains. This is a drawback only from the position of losing the area of ​​the room. But this gap can be used very useful – score a heater, a sound insulator, hide communication in it, etc. D.