Minimalism in the interior – forced asceticism or conscious lifestyle

As practice shows, when designers create the situation on the basis of strict rules, but the residents feel uncomfortable at the same time, then soon all the rooms in the house, including the halls, are growing completely unsuccessful pillows, plaids, figurines and other trinkets. Therefore, before choosing minimalism, you should learn more about it and understand whether it personally suits you and your family members. Many believe that minimalism is empty rooms with mats and small tables in the Japanese spirit. It is possible so, but whether this will be enough for a comfortable living of a person who has grown in Russia? Where to store clothes and books? Where to put a computer, because the floor is not very convenient? How to receive guests without sofas and chairs? Modern minimalism, replaced rational constructivism, therefore inherited certain rules that say that in the interior it should be clearly defined which items are important and which play a decorative role. Minimalism in the interior is a lot of spaciousness and air where you can freely move, and not to squeeze with difficulty between bulky cabinets and sofas or cornices who are lying on the floor. You can even choose beds to your liking, but there should be free space and free access to the door and window around them. The roots of minimalism go into Japanese culture, where during the arrangement of the house, different shades of the Earth have traditionally used, as well as the game of light and shadow, t. e. All options for white, gray and black flowers. Of the materials, wood and stone were originally used, and now glass and plastic are already allowed. There were no cabinets, and for storage, niches in the walls were made and mobile shirs were used to close them. Now you can find strict furniture of the familiar configuration for us in the style of minimalism, for example, wardrobes in graphic design, the mobile doors of which resemble Japanese screens. The principle of minimalism in the interior is expressed not only in a decrease in the amount of furniture, but also in choosing their shades and shapes, as well as materials for decoration. Do not choose bright ornaments, furniture with elaborate fittings and noticeable jewelry. Everything should be simple and free so that there is the opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle and too large speeds of modern cities. In minimalism, unnecessary accessories and furniture of incomprehensible purpose are not welcome. Everything should be functional and intended specifically for sleeping, eating, rest or work. Multifunctionality is allowed, which is justified for the sake of obtaining a free additional place in the room. For example, kitchens combined with dining rooms or living rooms are in the spirit of minimalism. You can remove the extra walls, which means that there will be more spaciousness and light. You can use the same table for different purposes, which means that the apartment will become freer.