Tea zone in a bayer: how to do it right

The owner of the apartment was lucky enough to have a bell in the living room. The idea of ​​creating a cozy place for conducting tea ceremonies arose no coincidence. Since the tenants of this apartment are indigenous carriers of Chinese culture, and know firsthand the philosophy of Chinese tea.

To design a teaspoon, it was decided to use natural materials: window sills made of natural stone travertine and podium from an array of oak.

When designing the podium, it was possible to place spacious boxes. Thus, the space under the catwalk is functionally involved.   In addition, it was necessary to provide for the possibility of natural convection of warm air, since under the window sills are traditionally located radiators. To do this, we have provided the necessary slots and ventilation grilles.

Textiles with natural silk for decorating windows, all kinds of pillows, as well as soft and warm light from wall sconces will complete this composition will create a pleasant atmosphere for relaxation.