Brick or sandwich panel: comparative characteristics

New technologies come to the world market with enviable regularity. So in the construction, innovations are already used with might and main, and they have already quite successfully reached our country. To replace such a traditional building material as a brick, a sandwich panel comes.

What advantages do they have over other traditional building materials? First, much lower cost.

Secondly, the speed of building a room from sandwich panels is many times higher than the construction of a house of brick, cinder blocks and other similar materials. However, the construction of a house from sandwich panels has a number of significant drawbacks.

For example, such a house will be able to build only a specially trained builder, of which in Russia there is not such a large number. Another disadvantage can still be considered not the complete reliability of the design. This building material also has disadvantages, however, they are not so significant as to focus on them.

One way or another, you make a choice of building material, so before making a particular decision, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, and then think about a particular option.