CSP (cement-stove): What is

CSP (cement -stoves) are environmentally friendly building materials from cement,

wooden chips, mineralizing and other functional additives. CSP sheet materials have high

qualitative and technical characteristics that provide this material with great popularity in modern

construction: today, suburban construction and decoration of city apartments is often carried out using

TPP plates in accordance with the plan of finishing or repair work.

Finishing work and the use of TsSP

Since the TSP plates have high strength, reliability and

wear resistance in operation, low -rise construction with such a decoration will be guaranteed to be protected and

aesthetic outwardly for many years. Using the CSP can be carried out as frame construction

with such an external finish, and repair and decoration indoors is carried out – the material is environmentally friendly and

Safe for human health and animals. Possible finishing work on TSP plates: wrapping wallpaper, painting,

Laying tiles and various flooring.