Chipboard and chipboard, fiberboard (organite, MDF), OSP (OSB, OSB), PVC, CSP, plywood – which is better?

When engaged in repair, it is impossible not to pay attention to how diverse the raw materials market for construction are now. Modern technologies have made the existence of many building materials, including made of wood. Which is better of them is a difficult and controversial issue.

Among the whole variety, leafy. They are suitable for almost any purpose, and therefore are very popular. These include the following:

Chipboard or wood-piece plate;

DVP, of which the most in demand by organite and MDF panels-the so-called medium density plate are most in demand;

OSP or OSB (oriented-brown plate);

CSP (cement-stove);

The most “elderly” and common of such materials is plywood.

Also, sheet compositional materials include PVC.

The choice of what to buy – plywood, fiberboard, chipboard or prefer the OSP plate to them is really not easy. But only at first glance. All these materials differ in their characteristics and are suitable for various purposes.

Plywood is the most famous and one of the very first materials of this class. The main advantage of plywood is that there is a large number of its species suitable for different purposes. So, there is an absolutely environmentally friendly variety – the so -called FBA, which should be preferred if you need a completely “green” material. There are several subspecies suitable for use in an aggressive environment – FB and BS. Another unconditional advantage is a relatively low plywood price.

Chipboard is another of the long -known materials. DSP sheet is distinguished by a low price and wide prevalence. Despite some shortcomings, it still remains the most popular raw materials for the production of inexpensive furniture and is often found in everyday life.

Born -fiber plate, or fiberboard, in Novosibirsk and other cities of Siberia is also very popular. The main attention is now attracted by its new varieties: Orlit and MDF panels. Wall and other MDF covers are preferable to analogues from chipboard, since they are more environmentally, stronger by 2 times and are much better processed. This explains the slightly higher MDF price. Orlit is the same fiberboard, but with a lined or painted surface. Its trump card is that it is suitable for facing walls or other surfaces without preliminary processing.

The most modern invention among analogues is a focusing stove, abbreviated OSP or OSB. OSP in Novosibirsk is not yet very widespread, but this is a matter of time – at such a slab of advantages, at least. High strength and moisture resistance, ease of processing and resistance to insects, excellent retention of fasteners – this is actually the material of the future.