Equipment for restaurants and hotels: how to choose the right

The first hotels appeared in the distant past. In ancient Egypt, China and other countries with which human civilization began, travelers had the opportunity to stop for the night in special institutions whose owners received a fee for this. According to many scientists, the furniture appeared in ancient Egypt (the article “The occurrence of furniture”), and, apparently, in ancient Egyptian hotels it was already possible to see chairs and beds. In Europe, the hotels were widely developed during the time of ancient Rome. But only many hundreds of years later, people began to make special furniture for hotels. This was due, first of all, with the fact that in the hotels of the ancient world and the Middle Ages rarely lived for a long time. Typically, the traveler stopped there at night – except that the weather or rumors about the robbers could force him to linger. Therefore, they did not expect any special comfort from the hotel. The situation began to change in the last two or three centuries, when people began to stay in hotels for a long time. It was at this time that the idea arose that any hotel should try to provide the guest with comfort comparable to home. Especially if the guest plans to stay for a week, or even a month and even more. Traders, diplomats, just travelers now expected that the hotel could not only spend the night, but also do this in the most convenient conditions.

In the most luxurious hotels, furniture was made to order, so that its luxury and convenience are amazing. When the National Hotel was opened in Moscow in 1903, its visitors were able to fully appreciate the efforts of furniture masters. All furniture was made of valuable wood – red wood, mornoy oak, etc. D. The most successful merchants, foreign diplomats, successful cultural figures lived in National. Subsequently, the National Hotel even housed the Soviet government. In 1985, part of antique furniture was transferred to the museum.

An important feature of furniture for hotels has always been considered thoroughness, the opportunity to serve people for a long time. Previously, they achieved this, first of all, due to massiveness and impressiveness of furniture. A person who would like to deliberately harm her simply could not even move her off her place – beds, cabinets, etc. were made so heavy. D. Modern masters solve the same problem differently, due to the use of new, more durable materials. For example, folding chairs, which are often used to organize banquets, conferences, etc. D., differ in lightness, however, the design features and materials used make them extremely strong.

Modern hotels, of course, differ from their predecessors. In particular, one of the important differences is that special furniture is made for modern hotels, designed taking into account all the features that are characteristic of hotel living. Masters -masters are trying to combine beauty with convenience, and practicality and functionality – with strength and reliability. Much, of course, depends on what the hotel is. After all, there are hotels for the middle class and rooms for the VIP person, and the furniture in them should be completely different. In addition, over the past centuries, a lot of innovations have been added to the list of equipment necessary for hotels – for example, carts for hotels. Even the one who has never been to the hotel has probably seen this convenient thing on TV. But the ancient Chinese or Romans and even medieval Europeans were not known.