Lighthouse leveling 10 mm: what is

10 mm lighthouse – one of the most rational and convenient tools that allow you to create a flat and smooth surface for any finishing work – whether it be plastering the bases or alignment. To use it, at least skills are necessary and even a novice finishing agent will be able to bring the plaster layer to the desired level.

The building lighthouse performs the function of peculiar rails for the rule, ensuring the exact completion of finishing work both indoors and during facade work. It is made of steel, therefore it is immune to extreme conditions.

Lighthouses of 10 mm are made from an alloy, which, even in contact with building and finishing solutions based on gypsum and cement (with high pH), does not lose its properties. The steel lighthouse 10 does not harm either low or high temperatures, or contact with water. The anti -corrosion properties of the steel used for the production of the lighthouse 10 are also of great importance in the decorative decoration of the premises. Using this accessory, you can not be afraid that over time, the spots of rust will take on the leveling layer.

Before starting the process to align the walls using lighthouses 10, it is necessary to do a little preparatory work. Scurries of sufficient length, protruding above the surface by 1 cm, are screwed into the wall (floor, ceiling). A fishing line is attached to these screws, located opposite each other, which acts as a level. Then the “cakes” of a gypsum or cement mortar capable of rapid hardening are applied to the base.

Sites with a solution should be no further from each other than after 40 cm. Lighthouses are pressed into the solution so that there is no lift of the fishing line. After solidifying the solution and dense fixation of the beacons, you can proceed to applying the main leveling layer. Thus, the lighthouse is 10 mm, the price of which is relatively small, contributes to a significant acceleration of finishing work.